my experience

27th September, 2021 by Bhushan Mendhe

about neog camp

neoG Camp is a bootcamp that revives the learning for new(neo) generation(+G) programmers. It is a camp organised by Tanay Pratap sir which teaches you web dev over 6 months of time with a progressive learning that is by creating projects and not just mugging up the things you want to know.

I must say this has been one of the best experiences of my coding journey. This blog is all about my experience and my journey through this camp.

my experience

Though I got to know about this camp late in mid-September but the complete experience of is a nutshell is AWESOME!!!

"Get so good that your work becomes your certificate. Your masterpiece becomes your credentials.” ― Tanay Pratap

Since, I started late I thought that I won't be able to complete this on time. I almost thought of giving up in between but somehow I didn't, and I have finally completed levelZero.

I will be submitting my portfolio for the levelOne today. I am writing this blog just before my submission. I am really excited now that I have completed levelZero.

what do I expect after my submission

To be honest, I am so happy that I didn't give up and completed the whole levelZero.

There might be no seats left since I am submitting so late but the experience of doing levelZero projects has made everything worth it.

“Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.” – Leo Burnett

Even if I don't get selected this time I will try for next time and give my best again and I will keep on learning more and more till then.

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bhushan's letter